The information below appears in Raymond's 125th Anniversary Book. Can you imagine growing up in Lula, Illinois?
- The village was first known as Lula, named this after the first postmaster's daughter. The railroad imposed the name of "Raymond" on the village. Prior to the mail being received in Lula, mail had been delivered at Herndon post Office in the home of John Todt, north of the village. Todt had received his commission in 1868 and mail was delivered from from Springfield via Pawnee, White Oak, and Shawspoint to Herndon once a week on Saturdays. Todt received a salary of $20 annually.

- In 1873 licenses were issued for three taverns in the town. Owners were Thomas Fahey, Samuel Harvel, and Frank Huber. Two of the taverns had pigeon hole tables and one had a billiard table.
- The Free Methodist Church, Raymond, was erected in 1884.
- In 1888, The Ravmond Leader was started by W.S. Parrott but was published only about two years.
- At one time there were six lodges active in the village: Masonic, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Grand Army of the Republic, Knights of Pythias, Mutual Protective League, and Modern Woodmen of America.
- The first burial in St. Raymond's Cemetery was that of Mrs. Bernard (Sophie- nee Wiefenstett) Beiermann who died October 9, 1874.
- James Lonergan owned and operated the brickyard in Raymond in 1901. His nephew Dan was a brick molder and coal digger.
- Some early 1900's businesses:
Frank Luking, blacksmith/farm implements; Philip Mangers, shoemaker; Joseph Mangers, harness; John McMillan, furniture and undertaking; Stephan Schulte, bakery/confectionery; Theodore Stoevener, merchant/tailor; Henry Gees, pabst beer; J. Guller, dry goods; A. Engel, clothier/hatter; Geo. Back, lunch counter; Geo. Beeler, blacksmith; J. W. Strain, jeweler/optician; Pratt-Baxter Grain Co., elevator; E.R. Steele and Co., dry goods; A.B. Whittaker, grocery; Miller & Gragg, furniture and undertaking; Day & Shaffer, farm implements, buggies, wagons; E.P. Darlington and Co., lumber; L.J. Dickson, hardware; W. L. Seymour, paints/drugs; J. G. Alsbury, hardware; Oscar Potterj grocery; A. H. George, grocer; Hough's boots and shoes; C.F Scherer, grocery; Dr. W.H. Mercer; and Dr. J. R. Seymour; W.H. Scherer, DDS.
I remember being treated by a Dr. Scherer DDS. I do not know if he is the same one listed or not.